Muthesius Kunsthochschule
︎Professor Dr. Sandra Schramke Studied architecture and urban planning at TU Dortmund (1989-1995). Practicing architect in Germany and Spain (1995-2002). Research assistant at the Faculty of Architecture, Bauhaus University Weimar (2002-2008). PhD Cybernetic Scenography. The exhibition architectures of Charles and Ray Eames from 1959 to 1964/65 (2009). Research assistant at the Chair of History of Knowledge and Culture, Humboldt University Berlin (2009-2016). PostDoc leader in the Cluster of Excellence "Image Knowledge Design" (2016/17). Since April 2017 Professorship for Scenography and Curatorial Practice/ Spatialization of Knowledge at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts Kiel.︎Professor Dr. Annika Frye
German design researcher and design theorist. She is working in between theory and practice. Annika's interests concern the aesthetic qualities of serial production, experimental processes and the design process as source of innovation. After finishing her PhD-thesis on improvisation at the University of Art and Design Offenbach she started researching the changes of design processes regarding the connection of digital technology and materiality. Frye gave lectures and workshops at design schools and mDGTF). She is co-founder of the design office »teilchenbeschleuniger«, a collaborative platform for young designers and design professionals. Her pDesign Academy Eindhoven. Since April 2017, Annika Frye holds a professorship for design studies and design research at Muthesius University of Arts and Design Kiel. Her current project is about the interface as a quality of contemporary design as postdigital, hybrid space between digital and analogue.
︎Du ZhangDu Zhang is a research fellow at Muthesius specialising in mixed reality spatial experience design. She completed Master study of Spatial Strategies in Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel, Germany, and now continues her practice and research expanding across virtual spaces, digital art, to multimedia installations. Her exploration centres around the realm of spatial production and qualities, encompassing the temporary, hybrid, and extended domains that emerge at the intersection of physical and virtual environments. She is interested and dedicated in her research to find reconciliation of the overlapping realities with simple interventions. By experimenting with the human bodily movement between physical and virtual spaces, she seeks to unfold new possibilities and understand the implications of these dynamic interactions.